Tuesday, November 2, 2010

The 8 essential elements of a landscaping portfolio

For green industry professionals, a compelling portfolio landscaping is essential. An impressive portfolio landscaping builds your credibility, it displays its professionalism and gives a sneak peek at your business landscape is all about.

So, what green industry pros include as part of their portfolio landscaping? photography is most obvious response, and is certainly important, but don't overlook other elements that should be included in your wallet.

Here are the 8 essential elements of a compelling portfolio: landscaping

1. photography

Images of his work landscaping are the most important aspect of your wallet.Because of this, don't forget to follow some basic guidelines. First, organize your photos in a logical way. You can organize your pictures by the project ("Smith Residence" for example) or by type of project ("Patios" for example). Also arrange your photos into a logical sequence, and include "before" pictures and images taken during the construction of a landscaping project. This variety of images gives a greater context Viewer.

Use only your absolute best images in your photo portfolio landscaping. An extraordinary offers more impact than a dozen images mediocre. Go for quality over quantity. Don't forget to include a variety of images, including photographs of hardscape, Garden ornament elements and detail shots of flooring patterns, iron work and combinations of plants.Including pictures from different times of the year, as well as night images make for an even more attractive landscaping.

2. Landscape plans and drawings

People like to look beautiful designs.So be sure to include images of their plans of landscape landscaping on your portfolio.As mentioned above, include pictures of just your absolute best work and perspective drawings. Include lifting plan-view enlargements and even sketches. Include any drawings you think best will show their talents.

3. Testimonials

Includes testimonials from customers, as well as other professionals who have worked with. If people are saying great things about you and your business landscape, you'll want to include this in your landscaping portfolio.If you have received thanks cards, notes or emails with comments bright, copy them and add them to your portfolio. including letters and original as part of your presentation is much more powerful than just showing Comments in writing.

4. special features

If you or your business landscape has been featured in a newspaper or magazine make sure play it and include it in your wallet. similar to testimonials, such claims of third parties give you instant credibility in the eyes of your potential customers.

5. Written published

Many green industry professionals write articles and columns for magazines and local newspapers.If you're part of this crowd, be sure to include reprints in your wallet landscaping. If you wrote for green industry publications, also include it in your wallet.Your prospects won't read the article, but consider you to be an expert in your field because of the authority and credibility that comes with writing for publications.

6. community involvement

If you and your business landscape are active in your community, include these details in your wallet. include press clippings, photographs and even testimonials of leaders of the organization. If you contribute to charitable organizations and community groups-prospects know about your goodwill.

7. Recognition of

Include all awards that earned its landscaping company in your portfolio you can also include important certifications you have earned and other contributors.

8. affiliations

Listing of their affiliation in their portfolio landscaping lends credibility to your business landscape Include affiliations with local organizations such as the Chamber of Commerce and civic groups as Club of León. also include industry associations the landscape that is actively involved with at the local, State and national levels.

A compelling portfolio landscaping is essential for the green industry companies. A impressive portfolio builds your credibility, it displays its professionalism and gives a sneak peek at your business landscape is all about is one of the many keys in market effectively landscape products and services.

When you create or update your portfolio Landscaping, consider these 10 essential elements.

Chris Heiler is the creator and editor of landscapeleadership.com and a green industry marketing expert, speaker and writer. Visit our online community of passionate green industry professionals for more marketing strategies, tips and tools on landscapeleadership.com

Monday, November 1, 2010

Adding value and beauty with Professional landscaping

There are some home improvements that may hold an owner that add as much greater value and liquidity for a dramatically as does landscaping property. Landscaping provides a number of notable benefits. According to studies made by Florida Nursery and Landscape Association of producers, gardening can actually increase property value 14 to 20 percent. A landscaped courtyard simple can add an additional 12.4 percent to the value of a House. Even small projects can significantly increase the value of the property; curbs landscaped add up 4.4% in value and adding hedges generates value in 3.6%. Scenic Properties also sell an average of six weeks faster.

Long-term benefits

Even owners who aren't thinking about selling their properties soon, if ever, can reap the benefits of landscaping. naturally have stunning scenery helps to make a House feel more like a home and provides an outlet for outdoor recreation for the family. Landscaping can increase the privacy of a property and make a home more secure against intrusion.

There are monetary benefits for landscaping, also a well-designed landscape really can help reduce heating and cooling costs.Proved houses with insulation hedges and shading trees near Windows that get maximum solar exposure to decrease its use of energy for heating and air conditioning for close to 20 per cent.

Professional landscaping

That landscaping has the potential to increase the value of your property by 20 percent while reducing power consumption by another 20 per cent, these maximum values can only be achieved by a landscape well designed, installed and maintained. even the most ardent-it-yourselfer can fall short when it comes to creating and maintaining the perfect scenario. it takes a trained eye and a thorough understanding of plants, positioning and environment to achieve the best results of landscaping.

Using a professional landscaping service is the best way to make sure that your home's landscape is functional and provides the most value from your investment. A service professional landscape maintenance is also the best way to make sure that your investment is protected. Most services of landscape are relatively inexpensive and the cost of using a professional is only a fraction of the cost of replacement incorrectly installed or maintained landscape features.

Choosing the right service

The scenario is an investment and when it comes to choosing a professional qualified to really give the decision only as much consideration as you would when selecting a banker or stock broker investment.Just because someone has a landscaping service does not mean that they are qualified to meet your needs.

There are 3 main things to consider when selecting your landscaping service.First, find someone local.National chain services have their place, but only one site will know the complexity of your local environment and plants work best there. Secondly, go with a full-time grocery…you wouldn't use a stock broker who was actually a dentist and only became involved in the market on weekends. Use a landscaper full-time ensures that you are using someone who is fully qualified and experienced in the business of landscaping. Thirdly, verify that the service used is insured. even the professionals have accidents and now again insurance will help protect you, your property and your investment.

You have more questions Orlando Landscape Design? Call Ground Source landscaping at 321-231-5961 to get answers to your questions or to obtain a free quote on your project home. talk with specialists Orlando Sod today!